Alaina Sanders


 Financial Professional

Alaina’s path to Belmont Capital Advisors has looked a little different than most. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Math and problem solving are the basis of how her mind operates and those core skills have had multiple applications. Through it all, what she was focused on was creating financial security for herself and helping those around her do the same. She believes that we all deserve our version of the American dream. Even though she has begun her journey to become a financial professional, her experience across multiple industries gives her a different and unique perspective. 

“The road to financial security begins with a plan. Much of my drive to do this is about educating and empowering people to take control of their financial future. Perhaps I may not change the world, but I will try to move the needle.”

Charlotte, NC has been home since 2011. Alaina loves to travel and has visited many countries and crossed our country RVing coast to coast 4 times with her husband Paul. In her free time, you’ll find her chasing her very energetic daughter Harper in the front yard or out on the lake taking in some rays. 

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